Roofing FAQs

If you file a claim for weather-related roof damage, your insurance rates will likely not go up. However, if an entire neighborhood or area is hit hard by the storm, causing a lot of damage, that could result in a higher premium. Additionally, your rates might go up if you’ve already filed two or more claims in the last five years.

Homeowners are responsible for initially calling in a claim; however, the experts at Wando Roofing Company Charleston are here to provide assistance every step of the way. We are familiar with the claims process and can fight for you to get the compensation you deserve.

If there is extensive damage to your roof following a storm, it is worth it to file a claim with your insurance company. The cost of replacing a roof will outweigh any potential increases in your premiums.
If you are experiencing a leaky roof after a storm, you are responsible for the repairs. Make sure you bring in a reputable roofer to handle the repairs to ensure your home is adequately protected. An emergency roofer can come and put a tarp over your roof to prevent further damage.
It is recommended that you have a professional inspect your roof at least once per year. This ensures that any potential issues with the roof are identified and addressed before they cause further damage. Annual roof inspections and maintenance services can add years of life to your roof.

Timely roof repairs are critical in protecting the overall integrity of your roofing system. Signs of roof damage to watch out for include:

  • Missing, cracked, or curled shingles
  • Sagging roof decking or roof lines
  • Algae and moss growth on the roof
  • Dark stains on the ceiling or walls inside your home
  • Ice dams developing in cold weather climates
  • Water seeping into the attic from above
    Cracked or damaged flashing
Whether you need to tear off the old roof before installing a new one depends largely on the condition of the existing roof. If the current structure is in good condition and doesn’t have more than two layers of shingles, you could install a new roof overtop without needing to tear off the existing layer. However, if there are multiple layers, or the integrity of the current roof structure is compromised in any way, it will need to be removed before the new roof installation takes place.
If you’re replacing or installing a new roof, it is highly recommended that you consider adding insulation. Good insulation can help reduce energy costs, make your home more comfortable, and create a quieter home environment. If you plan to reroof, now is an ideal time to add extra insulation for long-term benefits. In most cases, adding insulation along with a new roof adds value to the home and saves homeowners money in the long run.

Wando Roofing is a proud Owens Corning Preferred Contractor. Working with Owens Corning allows us to provide a wide variety of premium-quality roofing materials available in a ton of styles and colors.

We offer all of the most common types of roofing materials, including:

  • Asphalt shingles
  • Wood shakes and shingles
  • Clay tiles
  • Concrete tiles
  • Metal roofing
  • Slate tiles
Built-up roofing consists of multiple layers of asphalt, felt paper, and gravel, while single-ply roofing is a layer of polymer-based membrane. Single-ply roofs are often lighter in weight and more durable than their built-up counterparts. Additionally, they are more resistant to damage from wind or hail because there is only one uniform layer instead of several different materials that could be torn apart by strong winds.