SC Safe Home Mitigation Grant

SC Safe Home Mitigation Grants - Charelston, SC

Strengthening Your Home with SC Safe Home Mitigation Grant

At Wando Roofing Charleston, we understand the importance of protecting your home from the devastating effects of hurricanes and high winds. That’s why we are excited to share with you the benefits of the SC Safe Home Mitigation Grant Program, a valuable resource for coastal property owners in South Carolina. This program, administered by the South Carolina Department of Insurance, provides essential financial assistance to help you retrofit your home, making it more resilient to severe weather conditions.

What is the SC Safe Home Mitigation Grant Program?

The SC Safe Home program is specifically designed to support homeowners in strengthening their homes against the destructive forces of hurricanes and high winds. The program offers both matching and non-matching grants to owners of single-family, owner-occupied homes. It’s important to note that these funds are dedicated solely to retrofitting projects and cannot be used for general remodeling, home repairs, or new construction.

Types of Grants Available in 2024

The SC Safe Home program provides three main types of grants, each tailored to different retrofitting needs:

  1. Resilient Mitigation Award:
    • Non-Matching Grants: Up to $7,500
    • Matching Grants: Up to $6,000
    • These grants are aimed at comprehensive roof retrofits that meet both the SC Safe Home Retrofit Guidelines and the Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) FORTIFIED ROOF Program Retrofit Guidelines.
  2. Sustainable Mitigation Award:
    • Non-Matching Grants: Up to $5,000
    • Matching Grants: Up to $4,000
    • These grants cover roof retrofits meeting SC Safe Home Retrofit Guidelines, as well as window replacements and opening protection retrofits.
  3. Hurricane Shuttering and Protective Barrier Systems Award:
    • Non-Matching and Matching Grants: Up to $3,000
    • These grants are specifically for the installation of hurricane shutters and protective barrier systems.

Eligibility and Application Process

Grant awards are determined based on the applicant’s annual adjusted gross household income, taking into account family size and median income levels in their county or the state, as published annually by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The application portal for the SC Safe Home Grant Program will reopen on July 1, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. To ensure a smooth application process, we recommend that you review the necessary documentation and familiarize yourself with the application steps. Tutorial videos and the latest program bulletin are available on the SC Safe Home website to guide you through the process.

What Retrofits Are Covered?

The SC Safe Home Grant Program covers a variety of retrofitting projects designed to enhance your home’s structural integrity. These include:

  • Bracing gable ends
  • Roof-to-wall connectors
  • Secondary water barriers
  • Exterior doors (including garage doors)
  • Roof covering replacements
  • Repair or replacement of manufactured home piers, anchors, and tie-down straps
  • Opening protection (window replacement, hurricane shutters)
  • Roof deck attachment
  • Addressing weak trusses, studs, and structural components

By implementing these retrofits, you not only increase your home’s resistance to hurricanes and high winds but also potentially qualify for additional insurance benefits through the IBHS FORTIFIED ROOF Program.

The Importance of Preparedness

Living in a coastal area like Charleston, SC, we are no strangers to the threats posed by hurricanes and severe storms. As your trusted roofing partner, Wando Roofing Charleston is committed to helping you safeguard your home and your family. By taking advantage of the SC Safe Home Mitigation Grant Program, you can significantly reduce the risk of damage to your property and enhance your peace of mind.

How Wando Roofing Charleston Can Help

At Wando Roofing Charleston, we specialize in providing top-quality roofing solutions that meet the highest standards of safety and durability. Our team of experienced professionals is ready to assist you with all aspects of the SC Safe Home Grant Program, from the initial application process to the completion of your retrofitting project.

We understand that navigating the grant application process can be daunting, which is why we offer our expertise to help you every step of the way. Whether you need assistance in determining your eligibility, preparing the necessary documentation, or selecting the best retrofitting options for your home, we are here to support you.

Take Action Now

Don’t wait until the next hurricane season to secure your home. The SC Safe Home Mitigation Grant Program provides a unique opportunity to strengthen your home and protect your loved ones. Contact Wando Roofing Charleston today to learn more about how we can help you take advantage of this valuable program.

Contact us to schedule a free estimate. Let’s work together to make your home safer and more resilient.

Protect your home, safeguard your family, and ensure peace of mind with Wando Roofing Charleston and the SC Safe Home Mitigation Grant Program. Act now and prepare for a safer future.

For more details and to apply, visit the SC Safe Home Grant Program website.

The grant portal will re-open and begin accepting applications for the SC Safe Home Grant Program on July 1, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.

“To sign up for future reminders of the portal re-opening, please click here. “

“We encourage you to review how the application process works and ensure you have all the needed documentation. To learn more and review the process, you can watch our tutorial videos here. ”


Contact Information:

  • Phone: 803-737-6087
  • Email:
  • Mailing Address: PO Box 100105, Columbia, SC 29202
  • Physical Address: 1201 Main Street, Suite 1000, Columbia, SC 29201